A New Future
Shannon Nelson

I look forward to a new future -
where there’s no discrimination towards any minorities in the world.

I look forward to a new future-
where everyone has health care and understands that socialism is not a
bad thing. Socialism equals solidarity.

I look forward to a new future -
where there are no more wars.

I look forward to a new future -
where children can go to school with no fear.

I look forward to a new future -
where everyone is fulfilled and there’s no more despair on people faces.

I look forward to a new future -
where people with disabilities are not treated like second class citizens.

I look forward to a new future -
where all minority groups can walk down the street knowing that they are equal

Amelia Stebbing

Me - the other
Theresa Williams

If you see me as a human being just like you

Then maybe you will respect me

If you do not see me as the other

Then maybe you can like me

If your perception of me is not less than what I deserve

Then maybe you will understand why you have to assist me

Look me in the eye and see the humanity in me

Look past my contracted limbs

Then maybe you will see that just like you

I have feelings

I feel pain just like you

I hurt just like you

The moment that you see me as the other is the moment

You begin to rationalize your mistreatment of me

If you can look past me being the other

Maybe you can have some compassion for me

Scattegories by Tamir David
Singer song-writer Lori Jean Finnila